As our Managing Attorney likes to say, "Our job is to get sh*t done." Every transaction where we act as Closing Agent amounts to a lot of different issues that need to be solved. At JK we're very well equipped to resolve all sorts of real estate issues because we handle thousands of transactions a year. We work with many different types of real estate professionals and are able to rely on our underwriters, vendors, of-counsel attorneys, lenders, brokers, and others to help resolve issues. Some issues are quick and easy for us to resolve, but would take days or longer for a less experienced team to handle.
Furthermore, everyone working on real estate transactions is human. Unfortunately, that means that every so often humans make mistakes. There are two main defenses to mistakes in real estate transactions. The first is Title Insurance. Our team is only as good as the search we receive. If the search is wrong for some reason, title insurance protects the parties in the transaction. The other defense is the team you're working with. Because we handle so many transactions and have a large staff, we're able to deploy multiple resources to resolve mistakes, whether the mistakes are made by 3rd parties, or even by our own team.
Once all of the issues are resolved on a file, we're ready to close! Our processing team will schedule signing with all of the parties and if you're signing in person, you can either come to one of our many locations or we can send a Closer to you. We endeavor to make it as convenient as possible for everyone involved to close on time.

We have a dedicated team for opening files. That way we can maintain consistency across the board on what our process is for generating new files. Our team specifically identifies the property in question, looks for special clauses in the contract, and creates a timeline based on the Effective Date of the contract and contingencies. The opening team then introduces everyone involved in the transaction to the Title Team and sends out information requests.
At JK Closing Attorneys we operate a bit differently than other closing agent companies. On each title transaction, you have a team assigned, usually consisting of four people (although sometimes there is overlap in positions). We do this because we've found that each team member plays an important role in efficiently handling the issues that may arise during a transaction, and only having one main point of contact can create a bottleneck. Click here to see who is on our team.
The Team and Their Roles
- Processing Team
The processing team is comprised of a Processor and Pre-Processor. The team is responsible for gathering all of the information we need to close a file. They are the ones that communicate the most with Sellers, Buyers, Realtors, Attorneys, Vendors, and anyone else involved in the transaction.
- Account Executive
The Account Executive is available to you when the processing team is not, or if there's something outside the main transaction that you need to be addressed or helped with. Realtors and clients usually communicate with Account Executives before we receive an executed contract and also in times when the processing team might be unavailable.
- Attorney
The Attorneys at JK Closing Attorneys are available to answer legal questions regarding contracts and any other legal questions the parties to a transaction may have. On a transaction where we act as Closing Agent, our attorneys are not providing legal representation (unless retained), but are available to answer legal questions about real estate transactions and draft documents and addenda in pursuit of a successful closing. The best way to contact the attorneys is through your realtor, or if your realtor does not have an attorney's contact information, speaking to the Account Executive on your file.
Contrary to popular belief, the As Is Residential contract for Florida real estate transactions states that the transaction is closed once the Closing Agent has received all documents and all monies. The Seller is not required to actually receive the funds in order to turn over keys, as we COULD just mail them a check. That being said, we have Attorneys dedicated to sending wires and we transfer funds to all parties as quickly as possible. We even have special exceptions from our bank to be able to send wires after 5:00pm.
TEXT US: (954) 779-5000